UCU NW Anti-Casualisation Network – register your interest today!

Dear Colleagues

Please share this message with members particularly those on casual and precarious contracts.

  • Are you on a casual contract in HE or FE?
  • Does your work far exceed your hourly pay?
  • Are you on a secure contract but know of teachers/lecturers who are employed on casual contracts in your institution?
  • In the North West we are planning set up a network of UCU members on precarious employment contracts to enable members to share experiences and work with the union to tackle insecurity of employment. If you would like to get involved email henorthwest@ucu.org.uk or fenorthwest@ucu.org.uk

Did you know…

  • 46% of universities and 60% of colleges use zero hours contracts to deliver teaching.
  • 68% of research staff in higher education are on fixed term contracts, with many more dependent on short-term funding for continued employment
  • Many teaching and lecturing staff are not actually paid for planning and preparation (it’s often included in the rate of pay) which could mean when weighed up, some staff may well be working for below the living wage.
  • UCU believes that high quality education and fair working conditions depend on contracts that give staff stability and continuity of employment. Casualisation is bad for staff and bad for education, yet it’s endemic in our colleges and universities.
  • UCU is working to bring an end to this by building a network to support our members on precarious contacts.  We need members on secure contracts to get behind this and support members who are not.

This year, let us all pledge to speak up for precarious workers in our organisations by;

  • Talking to staff in your faculty/department on precarious contracts
  • Promoting the network at branch meetings
  • Emailing your branch chair/secretary
  • Getting the word out through recruitment events, leafleting.
  • Pledge your support on Twitter/Facebook

If you are on a precarious contract, want to make a difference and get involved in the UCU North West anti-casualisation network please register your interest by emailing henorthwest@ucu.org.uk or fenorthwest@ucu.org.uk

Best wishes

Maxine Looby

UCU North West Regional Committee Anti-Casualisation Officer

Upcoming Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Courses in the NW

Please find details below of the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Courses delivered by the Trade Union Education Unit at the Manchester College which you may want to share with your members who may find them useful in a professional capacity. Time off and costs should be covered by the employer as CPD.

Either of these courses can also be delivered at the workplace, there is a minimum of 8 people and a maximum of 16 people allowed on the course by MHFA. This includes the Higher Education Mental Health Champion one day course if any HEIs would be interested in this https://mhfaengland.org/individuals/higher-education/

There are also still some places left of the forthcoming UCU Mental health is a trade union issue course on 23rd October. This one day course is designed for reps who want to develop an understanding of why mental health is a trade union issue and to seek to ensure working practices support equality. Any queries to henorthwest@ucu.org.uk

If you need any more information on the MHFA courses then please contact Di Warren, Trade Union Education Coordinator: dwarren@tmc.ac.uk


World Mental Health Day meeting 10 October at University of Manchester

You are invited to a free conference hosted by the UCU University of Manchester branch to celebrate World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10th October from 10am-2pm.

We are delighted to be joined by Sinead McBrearty of Education Support Partnership, and Adam Lincoln UCU National Health & Safety Official.

Please share with your members and book a place on Event Brite.