UCU NW training courses

Upcoming training courses for UCU reps in the North West.

Registration can be accessed via the links below or via the national UCU website here.


Mental health is a trade union issue: 23 October 2019, Manchester
This one day course is designed for reps who want to develop an understanding of why mental health is a trade union issue and to seek to ensure working practices support equality. This course would benefit both UCU equality reps, health and safety rep and others in the branch who represent or negotiate on behalf of members.
Full details and registration, click here.


Reps 1: UCU reps induction, 13-15 November 2019, Manchester
This 3 day course is aimed at new reps/caseworkers and activists who will be undertaking this role in the near future. Existing reps who have not attended training before are also encouraged to attend.
Full details and registration for Reps 1, click here.


H&S 1: Induction (Health & Safety Reps role and functions): 27-29 November 2019, Manchester
This three-day module forms the first part of a six-day training programme organised into two modules.
Full details and registration for H&S1, click here


Rep 2: Representing UCU members: 1-3 April 2020, Manchester
This course is for Reps who have completed UCU’s Rep 1 course and are now actively engaged in representing individual members or currently considering getting involved in representing members.
Full details and registration for Reps 2, click here.


Equality reps, 3 & 24 June 2020, Manchester
This course is aimed at all new branch Equality Reps and those in the branch with an interest in furthering their knowledge around equality.
For details and registration for Equality reps, click here.


Effective negotiating & bargaining skills, 18-19 June & 1 July 2020, Manchester
This course is aimed at more experienced reps and officers who are involved in local negotiations on behalf of members. Reps should ideally have completed the UCU Rep 1, H&S 1 or Equality Rep introductory training prior to applying for this course. You will be expected to have a good degree of underpinning knowledge around how your branch negotiates and the process by which information is shared with members.
Full details and registration, click here.