Joint Union Working Towards Green Jobs: 2 July from 1800 @Sackville Street Manchester

Joint Union Working towards Training for Green Jobs.
Hosted by UCU

Tuesday July 2nd – 18.00 – 20.00 Council Chamber, Floor B, Sackville Street Building. University of Manchester (5 minutes from Piccadilly Station)
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Key Trades Unionists committed to a just transition to Green Jobs and to effective training, re-skilling and apprenticeships are invited to attend this Working Group event.


  • To confirm the urgency of the Climate Emergency and the need for a skilled and well informed workforce
  • To put pressure on employers across the North West to invest in comprehensive, cross-sector training
  • To press for dedicated funding from regional bodies and central government to ensure a plan without gaps

The Committee on Climate Change demands a new industrial strategy for a Zero Carbon Britain by 2050 (2.05.2019) .

Extinction Rebellion show the United Nations Report warns of need for much more rapid responses. We will be seeing advice on the use of Union Learn and the support of other training providers to ensure the whole UK workforce can make huge changes to reduce the polluting gases that cause climate change. We will have to deal with floods and drought. We will transform the way we work. However, there are still people who don’t understand the science or how our current lifestyle effects the whole planet. There are workers who can be retrained, we need to have a coherent education and training strategy. The whole HR system needs an overhaul. Make the Green Industrial Revolution.

The North West can lead the way towards swift joined up training responses to the Climate Emergency.

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