The Big Meeting: A documentary about the Durham Miners’ Gala

A new film, The Big Meeting: Durham Miners’ Gala Documentary, is out on general release on 6 September.



The filmmakers want The Big Meeting to be viewed by as many people as possible and are encouraging community groups, organisations, trades union branches, Labour Party branches and individuals to host local screenings of the documentary.

The fee for community screenings is £75 – that covers the license costs for screening the film publicly. For any groups who licence The Big Meeting, the film makers will allow the screening of their documentary Nature of the Beast – about Dennis Skinner – for free in the future.

If you’re interested, please get in touch with the production company, Shut Out The Light:

Be sure to provide essential details, such as the location of the screening, the proposed date and the format required.

Once the screening is confirmed, Shut Out The Light will help promote the showing and the filmmakers will attend any screening for a Q&A if travel expenses can be covered.

It is recommend that organisers have a post-film Q&A or panel discussion to enhance the event and to engage your audience in a dialogue about the themes and narratives explored within the film.

Please get in touch if you require any additional information:

Twitter: @durhamgalafilm

Facebook: @durhamminersgalafilm


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